There are many choices you need to make when it comes to choosing the right car insurance. When it comes to customizing your policy, one of the biggest decisions is what deductible amount you will choose. What is a deductible in auto insurance? Your deductible is the amount of money you will have to pay toward fixing or repairing your car before your insurance kicks in....
Parking lots can be treacherous territory. In fact, tens of thousands of crashes and hundreds of deaths occur each year in parking lots, according to the National Safety Council. The good news is that your auto policy extends to parking lots. Just check in with your local agent to make sure your coverage limits provide you with optimal protection for the range of potential parking lot...
Stranded, cold, and hungry along the highway is no way to reach your destination. A well-stocked emergency roadside kit could help you get back on the road quickly—or at least remain safely stranded. Pre-assembled kits are available to purchase, but you might want to assemble your own or customize a purchased kit. Consider including the following items: The Basics Cell phone and car charger, with...
National Cell Phone Courtesy Month promotes mindful and courteous cell phone usage, especially while driving. This initiative encourages individuals to be considerate of others by minimizing distractions and practicing safe phone etiquette. The goals include raising awareness about the dangers of distracted driving and fostering a culture of responsibility and respect on the road. It serves as a reminder to prioritize safety and mindfulness in...
If you frequently travel or stay out of state, whether for business or by lifestyle choice, you may have noted the subtle — and sometimes not-so-subtle — differences in driving styles and conditions between states. Exploring new states should be fun and seamless. But we’ve all heard the stories of that one experience that’s unforgettable for all the wrong reasons, especially when it happens during...