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Moon Township Insurance Quotes

Insurance Blog

Please read and comment on our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Concerns about the Affordable Care Act

Concerns about the Affordable Care Act

The Insurance Dogger is not looking forward to 2014 or the implementation of the ACA. Some of the reasons why the Affordable Care Act (ACA) gives me a great deal of concern about it’s potential economic impact: Employers are required to provide coverage if they have 50 or more full-time employees, or face paying taxes and fines Individuals are required to carry coverage, or face...

A Review of Personal Insurance – Auto Insurance (Physical Damage)

I’ve been waiting for a little while now.OK OK I know that I said I’d be back to finish up auto coverages a few days ago.  Business being what it is, it’s taken me a little while.  But here we are, and off we go! Last week we reviewed liability and injury coverages.  This week, we are going to review the coverages in place to protect...